4 Tips for Staying Safe in COVID19 Winter

4 Tips for Staying Safe in COVID19 Winter

As Canada is experiencing its first winter of the COVID19 pandemic, people are worried about how the cold weather will affect the spread of the coronavirus. Experts say winter weather affects viruses themselves in two major ways: through temperature and humidity. The virus stays aloft longer and travels farther during winter because of the drier air that typically comes with lower temperatures. In addition, cold weather pushes people indoors and keep windows close, meaning that our living spaces won’t be as well ventilated as they are at other times of year.

In this blog, we will be exploring the actions you can take to stay safe from the coronavirus during the winter.

Keep social bubble small and stay connected

Experts worry that the cold weather might help spread the coronavirus, since people are more likely to begin to gather indoors, where transmission is easier. Therefore, one way to keep you, friends, and family safe is to continue limiting your social bubble as much as possible in the winter. It might be hard for most families to limit social contacts as the holiday season is just around the corner, and many traditions involve gathering. Make holiday gatherings virtual this year, especially if you tend to invite people from several different areas or people who are at a higher risk for the virus. However, it is also important to stay socially active while keeping the social bubble small. Complete isolation, especially in a stressful situation like a pandemic, could cause mental health problems. Connect with your family, friends, and loved ones during the holiday season over Zoom, or outside and socially distanced.

Stock up on cleaning supplies

Experts worry that the cold weather might help spread the coronavirus, since people are more likely to begin to gather indoors, where transmission is easier. Therefore, one way to keep you, friends, and family safe is to continue limiting your social bubble as much as possible in the winter. It might be hard for most families to limit social contacts as the holiday season is just around the corner, and many traditions involve gathering. Make holiday gatherings virtual this year, especially if you tend to invite people from several different areas or people who are at a higher risk for the virus. However, it is also important to stay socially active while keeping the social bubble small. Complete isolation, especially in a stressful situation like a pandemic, could cause mental health problems. Connect with your family, friends, and loved ones during the holiday season over Zoom, or outside and socially distanced.

Purify the indoor air

The virus that causes COVID19 loves dry air with low humidity. Airborne particles are smaller in dry air and low humidity. Infectious particles produced by a sneeze or cough remain in the air longer, increasing the risk of exposure to other people. According to a new study, with every 1% decrease in relative humidity, COVID19 cases can increase by 7% – 8%. Therefore, in a COVID19 winter, purifying indoor air is essential to limit the potential spread of the virus.

So, how can you find the right air purifier? Look for a unit with a HEPA filter and a clean air delivery rate(CARD) of 300 cubic feet per minute or better.

Surgically Clean Air is among the most advanced and effective air purification systems on the market today. Clinical research study shows that its Jade model has an excellent performance in hospitals, medical labs, and dental clinics to clean and sterilize the indoor air. Its multi-stage filtration system captures dust particles, pollen, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), mold, allergens, viruses, odors, bio-aerosols, nitrous oxide, and many other pollutants that are found in the inside air in workspaces and residences.